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About US BSF_edited.jpg

Frustrated by the fact that women have historically been left out of financial conversations, we want to teach financial literacy in a way that speaks to all. Our goal is to build a community that encourages education, networking and collaboration in both business and personal financial opportunities. 

Sadly, women continue to lag behind men in financial understanding and ownership of wealth. Studies reveal that only about 20% of women feel confident making investment decisions, compared to roughly 50% of men.  This lack of financial literacy can seriously undermine a woman's long-term economic security.  


Additionally, women-owned businesses typically receive far less funding than those owned by men. In 2022, staggering statistics demonstrated that only 2% of venture capital went to female-founded businesses. Building strong networks of support and fostering female financial literacy can begin to bridge these gaps. By educating women about financial matters and creating a community invested in their entrepreneurial success, we empower them to take control of their financial futures.

You can contact us with questions at

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