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Your Big Sis

The Value of Experiences vs Material Things

Updated: Jun 12, 2024

Many have heard of the Five Love Languages. One of them is gift giving. I wonder how many Americans have “gift giving” as a love language, given our consumerist culture. I wrote about the concept of upcycling being an upward moving trend. When will recycling or thrifting become acceptable? Handmade gifts are usually very acceptable. Why not an item that is perfectly useful, but you just don’t use it anymore? “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” is a saying that I guess doesn't apply when it comes to typical gift giving. Thrifting and vintage shopping = OKAY; Regifting = Not okay?

We could go over all the reasons why it seems that certain cultures value brand new vs used possession and why, but I am grateful to have been raised in a family that values experiences over material things. It is extremely easy to get caught up in the materialism of American society and having a family who grounds you with reminders of what really matters in life has been extremely helpful with navigating through life. Travel, adventures, cultural encounters and personal milestones last longer and contribute to personal growth and happiness in unique ways.


The memories last way longer than the excited feeling you get with a new car, new bag or a new pair of shoes. Especially, in a society where it often feels like the convenience and product purchasing possibilities are endless! Gadgets are constantly evolving to new models. Fashion trends are constantly changing.

The hedonic treadmill is a psychological theory that suggests people tend to return to a stable level of happiness or subjective well-being even after new experiences or changes to their circumstances. The theory explains that the highs you feel from possessing something new eventually levels out or wears off, leaving you wanting more and more. Ultimately, you keep looking for that same high again assuming your happiness is growing, but you’re just stuck in a cycle of desire.


Experiences expose us to new perspectives, cultures and ideas. They foster personal growth, empathy and a deeper understanding of the world. Traveling to a country that is completely different from the one in which you were raised is an eye-opening experience in many ways. “Culture shock” doesn’t sound like the most positive word, but the outcome of being shocked typically leads to growth in some way.


Going through similar situations and experiences together with loved ones only further enhances your bond. With strangers, now you’re finding new connections that can open up a new world of possibilities! It’s a shame that we’ve dissocialized a lot of what used to be more human-to-human experiences, but the plus side is that technology also enabled the ability for people from all around the world to connect to travel together. Singles who are looking for travel groups seem to be a growing demographic.


Experiencing what it’s like to travel completely on your own is a brave mission! However, you learn the most about yourself when not distracted by a companion. You often surprise yourself with what you can do, especially when you get in “survival mode”.


Unlike material possessions, the value of experiences tends to appreciate over time. Revisiting memories and reflecting on the lessons learned can continue to bring happiness, excitement and fulfillment. No one can steal those memories away like they can material possessions.

Your Big Sis

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